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What is the Arizona Robotics League?

ARL is an offseason competition for high school robotics teams who participate in FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). Our mission is to provide additional opportunities for Arizona FRC Teams to compete and collaborate with one another to increase awareness in the community, Inspire collaboration, and foster better competition within the Arizona Region

What is happing on the field?

During qualification matches, teams play on randomly assigned 3 x 3 alliances, often playing with teams they have played against in earlier matches. This helps to inspire the atmosphere of collaboration and communication that FIRST is known for. 

Each match is 2 minutes and 30 seconds long. The first 15 seconds is the autonomous period. where the teams have Pre-programmed their robots to move and shoot. (that is why the teams aren't holding their controllers at the beginning.) Points scored in the hubs during the autonomous period are doubled/After 15 seconds, you'll hear 3 dings, which indicate the beginning of the teleoperated period, and you will see the drive teams step forward and grab their controllers. For the remainder of the match the teams are controlling their robots using their joysticks or video game controllers that they have programmed to control their robots. With 30 seconds remaining, you'll here a train whistle, indicating the start of the end game. Many teams will now will attempt to climb the ascending monkey bars (in the hanger), which is the end game challenge. 

  • Taxi - if a robot backs up of the taped area (tarmac) during autonomous -2 points

  • Low Hub - 1 point (2 points during autonomous)

  • High Hub - 2 points (4 points during autonomous) 

  • Climbing - Low (4pts. , Mid (6pts.), High (10pts.), traverse (15pts)

Ranking points

Team earn ranking points during each match, which are used to rank the teams, to determine playoff position. 


  • 2RP - Win! (0 points for a loss, 1 point for a tie)

  • 1 RP if your alliance scores more than 20 balls in the nubs

  • 1 Rp if your alliance has scored more than 15 total Hanger Points


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